Media rotation jobs are treated the same as backup jobs. You can schedule a media rotation job to run on any device you have access to, such as a local device or a shared storage device. You cannot schedule a media rotation job to run on a device you do not have access to, such as a tape drive attached to the local SCSI bus of another server.
If a media rotation job is scheduled to begin, but all available devices are in use, the job will be placed into the queue.
To successfully use the Media Set Wizard in a shared storage environment, you must use one of the following strategies:
Restrict use of the Media Set Wizard to a single media server.
Use the same Overwrite Protection Periods and the same full backup day whenever you use the Media Set Wizard on all media servers in the shared storage environment.
Edit the jobs and rename the media sets created by each Media Set Wizard used so the jobs and media sets are server-centric.
More Information
About scheduling and viewing jobs in the SAN Shared Storage Option