Blackout Window options

DLO can be configured to stop backups at specific times to selected file servers, or to file servers that are managed by a specific maintenance server.

See Setting blackout windows.

Table: Blackout Window options



File Servers

Lists the file servers to which you can apply a blackout window.


Lists the existing blackout windows.


Lets you create a new blackout window.


Lets you remove the blackout window that appears in Schedules.

Enable Schedule

Activates the schedule that appears in Schedules..


Indicates whether the blackout window occurs weekly or on a specific date.

Starts at

Indicates the start time for the blackout window.

For a blackout window on a specific date, enter the date on which the blackout window is to start.

For a weekly blackout window, select the day of the week on which the blackout window is to start.

Ends at

Indicates the end time for the blackout window.

For a blackout window on a specific date, enter the date on which the blackout window is to end.

For a weekly blackout window, select the day of the week on which the blackout window is to end.

Blackout Window options