Oracle device and media options for backup jobs

You can set the following device and media options when you create a backup job for Oracle.

See Backing up Oracle resources.

Table: Oracle device and media options



Maximum number of devices to use for resources that support multiple data streams

Specifies the maximum number of devices that the backup job can use.

If you specify more than one device, you must choose one of the following items as a destination device for the backup job:

  • A device pool.

  • A backup-to-disk folder that has at least two concurrent operations enabled.

If there is only one device for the backup job to use, then the data streams from RMAN are backed up serially to the media.

See Creating a backup-to-disk folder by setting properties.

This feature is not available for DBA-initiated jobs.

Minimum number of devices, terminate job if fewer devices are available

Specifies the minimum number of devices that the job can use.

If the job cannot acquire the minimum number of devices, the job fails.

This feature is not available for DBA-initiated jobs.

Oracle device and media options for backup jobs