Consider the following best practices when you use the Backup Exec Migrator:
Symantec recommends that you regularly back up the Backup Exec catalogs.
In the event the catalogs become corrupt, you can restore them from backups. After you restore the catalogs, you must re-catalog the storage media on which Backup Exec Migrator data is stored. Re-cataloging the storage media ensures that the latest catalog entries are available.
For best performance, configure the Backup Exec Migrator to migrate data to a backup-to-disk folder and then to a tape device by using a duplicate job.
See About using staged migrations with Backup Exec and the Backup Exec Migrator.
In the Enterprise Vault Migration options tab, set the time period for Remove collection files from primary storage to something longer than zero days.
Setting the time period to zero days causes Enterprise Vault to immediately delete the migrated data from the partition.
For example, if you have two installed tape drives, you should configure the backup-to-disk folder to allow four concurrent jobs.
Concurrent jobs let the Backup Exec Migrator continue to migrate data to disk storage while tape drives process duplicate jobs in a staged migration environment.
Symantec recommends that you first collect all of the archived files in one collection and migration operation and then migrate them in the next collection and migration operation. This process helps ensure that the Backup Exec Migrator creates a single job for each migration operation, which improves the migration performance.