Example db2.conf file

The sample db2.conf file is as follows:

  #  # The following settings are used by Backup Exec to perform  # an alternate restore or a rollforward of a DB2 database during a  # a DBA-initiated operation using Backup Exec's vendor dll  # db2sqluv.dll or user exit program db2uext2.exe.  # Reminders:  #  # Uncomment the following lines by removing the # preceding every line  # and add appropriate data to perform an alternate restore/rollforward   # operation.   # You can add more blocks for any additional alternate restore/rollforward   operations.    # -------------------------  # Settings for alternate database restore using   # Backup Exec's vendor dll db2sqluv.dll   # -------------------------    #OBJECTTYPE ALTERNATE    # Specifies an alternate restore  #SRCINST srcinstname     # Names the source instance that was backed up  #SRCALIAS srcaliasname   # Names the source database alias that was backed up  #DESTINST destinstname   # Names the destination instance name   #DESTALIAS destaliasname # Names the destination database alias name  #ENDOPER                 # Ends the object identifier    OBJECTTYPE ALTERNATE    # Specifies an alternate restore  SRCINST myinst1     # Names the source instance that was backed up  SRCALIAS mydb1   # Names the source database alias that was backed up  DESTINST myinst2   # Names the destination instance name   DESTALIAS mydb2 # Names the destination database alias name  ENDOPER                 # Ends the object identifier    OBJECTTYPE ALTERNATE    # Specifies an alternate restore  SRCINST myinst3     # Names the source instance that was backed up  SRCALIAS mydb3   # Names the source database alias that was backed up  DESTINST myinst4   # Names the destination instance name   DESTALIAS mydb4 # Names the destination database alias name  ENDOPER                 # Ends the object identifier    # ----------------------------------  # The following are settings for an alternate database rollforward operation    # using Backup Exec's vendor dll db2sqluv.dll or user exit program   # db2uext2.exe. Use this block to indicate the source database   # if the log files were archived from a different source database.  # ----------------------------------  # If DB2 log file archiving is enabled (DB2 USEREXIT ON), DB2 will invoke  # the Backup Exec user exit program to back up and restore DB2 archive   # log files. If DB2 log file archiving is enabled for vendor dll, DB2 will   # Backup Exec vendor dll db2sqluv.dll to back up and restore DB2 archive log files.  # invoke the DESTALIAS parameter indicates the destination database alias   # for the user exit. DESTINST parameter indicates the destination instance alias   # for the user exit. SRCALIAS parameter indicates the source database alias   # from which log files were archived and should now be used for the   # rollforward operation. SRCINST parameter indicates the source instance from   # which log files were archived and should now be used for the rollforward   # operation.  #    #OBJECTTYPE ARCHIVE # Specifies that this block is for   #alternate rollforward.  #ARCFUNC SAVE  #DESTALIAS destaliasname # Names the destination database alias name   for which this setting applies.  #DESTINST destinstname   # Names the destination instance name name   for which this setting applies.  #SRCALIAS srcaliasname   # Names the source database alias from which    log fileswere archived.  #SRCINST srcinstname     # Names the source instance from which log   files were archived.  #ENDOPER                 # Ends the object identifier    OBJECTTYPE ARCHIVE # Specifies that this block is for alternate     rollforward.  ARCFUNC SAVE  DESTALIAS mydb1 # Names the destination database alias name for    which this setting applies.  DESTINST myinst1   # Names the destination instance name for   which this setting  applies.  SRCALIAS mydb2 # Names the source database alias from which   log files were archived.  SRCINST myinst1   # Names the source instance from which   log files were archived.  ENDOPER               # Ends the object identifier  

Example db2.conf file