Statistics properties for devices

Statistics include the date the device was last mounted, device totals such as the total number of bytes written and read, and device errors. Error rates are affected by media, head cleaning, and head wear. Information includes only the statistics that are gathered after Backup Exec first discovers the device.

The documentation included with your device should list the acceptable limits for hard and soft errors; if not, check with the hardware manufacturer.

See Viewing storage device properties.

Table: Statistics properties for devices



Last mount date

Displays the last date that media was mounted by this device.

Total bytes written

Displays the number of bytes that have been written by this device.

Total bytes read

Displays the number of bytes that have been read by this device.

Total mounts

Displays the number of times media has been mounted by this device.

Total seeks

Displays the total number of seek operations (performed when a specific piece of information is being located) that have been performed by this device.

Total hours in use

Displays the total number of hours that this device has been in use (performing read, write, mount, and seek operations).

Seek error

Displays the number of errors encountered while trying to locate data.

Soft read errors

Displays the number of recoverable read errors encountered. If you receive soft errors, it may indicate the beginning of a problem. If you receive excessive errors for your environment, check the device and perform maintenance on it, and check the media for damage.

Hard read errors

Displays the number of unrecoverable read errors encountered. If you receive hard errors, check the device and perform maintenance on it, and check the media for damage.

Soft write errors

Displays the number of recoverable write errors encountered. If you receive soft errors, it may indicate the beginning of a problem. If you receive excessive errors for your environment, check the device and perform maintenance on it, and check the media for damage.

Hard write errors

Displays the number of unrecoverable write errors encountered. If you receive hard errors, check the device and perform maintenance on it, and check the media for damage.

Statistics properties for devices