Installing Symantec tape device drivers by running tapeinst.exe

You can install Symantec tape device drivers by running tapeinst.exe, located in the Backup Exec installation directory. Updates for tapeinst.exe are available in the Device Driver Installer package.

You can download the Device Driver Installer package from the following URL:


You must run tapeinst.exe locally at the media server where you want to install tape device drivers. You cannot use tapeinst.exe to push-install tape device drivers to remote media servers.

To install Symantec tape device drivers by running tapeinst.exe

  1. From the Backup Exec installation directory, double-click the tapeinst.exe file.

    The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec.

  2. On the Symantec Device Driver Installation Wizard, follow the on-screen prompts.

Installing Symantec tape device drivers by running tapeinst.exe