What’s new in Backup Exec agents and options
This release of Backup Exec includes the following new features and capabilities in the agents and options:
Table: New features and capabilities in Backup Exec agents and options
Agent or option
New feature
Agent for VMware Virtual Infrastructure
Includes support for the following:
VMware vSphere v4.1, which includes ESX/ESXi 4.1, vCenter 4.1, and vStorage APIs for Data Protection
Differential and incremental backups of virtual machines that are configured with hardware version 7
Non-staged backups, which provide improved performance without the need for VCB proxy servers
SAN-based restores of virtual machines
Also, includes the following new features:
Single-pass backups of VSS-aware applications that are installed on virtual machines, with the ability to recover individual application items
Dynamic inclusion, which automatically protects any virtual machines that you added since the last backup
Ability to automatically exclude from jobs any virtual machines that are turned off
Ability to redirect a virtual machine to a different virtual machine folder or resource pool
Expanded Job History now lists the total number of virtual machines in each backup
Multiple alternate backup transport types to ensure that backups complete successfully
Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
Includes support for the following:
Hyper-V 2008 R2
Clustered Hyper-V virtual machines, with automatic discovery of Highly Available virtual machines
Cluster shared volumes
Live Migration
Single-pass backups of VSS-aware applications that are installed on virtual machines, with the ability to recover individual application items
This agent was formerly known as the Agent for Microsoft Virtual Servers.
Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server
Includes the following new features:
Support for Exchange Server 2010
Support for Exchange Server 2010 Database Availability Groups
Support for Exchange Server 2010 in Hyper-V and ESX 4.0 environments through the Remote Agent for Windows Systems
CPS support Exchange Server 2010 stand-alone servers
Agent for Enterprise Vault
Includes the following new features:
Support for Enterprise Vault 8.0
Support for Enterprise Vault Compliance Accelerator and Discovery Accelerator
Supports Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault.
Backup Exec Migrator enables the migration of archived Enterprise Vault data from Enterprise Vault servers to the tertiary storage systems that Backup Exec media servers manage.
Exchange Mailbox Archiving Option
Lets you archive Microsoft Exchange Server emails that have been backed up. After data is archived, it is deleted from its source location, which reduces the amount of data on the Exchange Server.
The Archiving Option uses Enterprise Vault technology to move archive data to disk-based vault stores. Only data that is already backed up is archived so that there is little affect on the Exchange server. End users can retrieve current and previous versions of files by browsing a web interface called Backup Exec Retrieve.
See About the Archiving Option.
File System Archiving Option
Lets you archive Windows NTFS data that has been backed up. After data is archived, it is deleted from its source location, which reduces the amount of data on the file server.
The Archiving Option uses Enterprise Vault technology to move archive data to disk-based vault stores. Only data that is already backed up is archived so that there is little affect on the file system server. End users can retrieve current and previous versions of files by browsing a web interface called Backup Exec Retrieve.
See About the Archiving Option.
Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option
Supports all additional drives after you add the first drive in each virtual tape library (VTL). You can purchase the Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option to support all of the additional drives in each virtual tape library. You do not have to purchase separate instances of the Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option for each virtual drive.
Additional VTL enhancements include the following:
VTL recognition capabilities
VTL device-specific menus to ensure proper operation
Support for synthetic full backups when used with the Advanced Disk-based Backup Option.
Deduplication Option
Includes the following new features:
Ability to reduce the amount of disk storage that is required for backups by storing only unique data.
Ability to reduce backup network usage by sending only unique data across the network.
Support for non-staged restores of granular data from a duplicate backup set that is copied between deduplication devices that support non-staged granular restores.
Also, includes the following revised terminology:
Direct Access is replaced with client-side deduplication
Remote Agent for Direct Access is replaced with Remote Agent deduplication
Server-side deduplication is replaced with media server deduplication
Source-side deduplication is replaced with client-side deduplication
Target-side deduplication is replaced with appliance deduplication
Active Directory Recovery Agent
Supports Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Domain Services objects.
Agent for Lotus Domino Server
Supports Lotus Domino version 8.5, including suppo
rt for the Domino Attachment and Object Service (DAOS).
Symantec Online Storage for Backup Exec
Provides more efficient online backups. Symantec Online Storage for Backup Exec now compares your backup selections to any existing backup data from previous duplicate backup jobs. Any data that is unchanged from previous duplicate backup jobs is skipped. If only a portion of a file has changed, only that portion is backed up. This enhancement can reduce the amount of time and bandwidth that is required to run recurring backup jobs.
NDMP Option
Enables you to add new NDMP providers from multiple companies.
Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
Includes the following:
Support for SharePoint 2010.
Support for SharePoint Foundation 2010.
Support for Backup Exec Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) to the same extent as SharePoint Server 2007.
Support for Backup Exec Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) of new SharePoint 2010 content types, including external lists and document sets.
Also, includes the following new features:
Redirection of SharePoint databases to alternate SQL instances.
Ability to overwrite existing databases.
Dynamic inclusion of components such as Web applications and service applications that are added to existing SharePoint farms.
Desktop and Laptop Option
Supports Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 on the following components:
Supports Microsoft Windows 7 on the following components:
What’s new in Backup Exec agents and options