Find options

You can search for specific text in the job history or the job properties log.

See Searching for text in the job history or job properties.

Table: Find options




Indicates the text that you want to find.

Match whole word only

Indicates that you want to search for the whole word you typed. If you do not select this option, Backup Exec finds the text that includes part of the word. For example, if you search for the word “file” and do not select this option, Backup Exec finds all occurrences of “file”, “files”, “filed”, and any other words that contain “file”. If you do select this option, Backup Exec finds only the occurrences of “file”.

Match case

Indicates that you want to use the exact capitalization for the word you typed. For example, if you search for the word “File” and select this option, Backup Exec finds all occurrences of “File”, but does not find any occurrences of “file”.

Highlight all matches

Highlights the text that matches the search criteria.

Find options